A Fish Rots from the Head Down

A fish rots from the head down is a satire about Mholi, the Executive Mayor who siphoned funds from the treasury and awarded tenders fraudulently to his friend Sigwili. Both men became rich whilst the people suffered. This corruption then filtered into all levels of society, affecting doctors, police officers, pastors and more. Set against the villains are two incorruptible people: Melusi Nyathi, a political commentator, and Mlondolizi, a retired clerk. These resilient men do not lose hope despite the fact that in a subsequent election the people voted ‘for the devil they knew’ and returned Mholi to his position.

About the Author

Siphiwe Mfayela

Siphiwe Mfayela is a former magistrate with two degrees from the University of Zululand, a B Juris and an LLB. He has also obtained a Senior Diploma in Labour Law from North West University. Ambrose is married and a father of three.

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